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This website is for informational purposes only.

The website does not create or continue an attorney-client relationship. Such a relationship will only be created by an appropriate engagement letter. You should always consult your own attorney for legal advice.

The website is not intended to seek any engagements in any state other than Arizona or New York  or in any state where this site would not comply with applicable laws and ethical rules of that state. It is not intended to be  legal advice. While we attempt to keep the website’s information current, we can not guarantee that the information is accurate, complete or up to date.

Please do not include confidential information in the Contact Us form. If you do send any unsolicited or confidential information to MBMC International PLLC it will not constitute a confidential or privileged communication and will not establish an attorney/client relationship. MBMC International PLLC cannot guarantee maintaining the confidentiality of unsolicited information.